søndag 18. april 2010

Day of All Seasons.

Wow, second post today already.

Luxery convention was rather funny, got to look at fancy cars in ugly colors, and someone gave us chocolate truffles. Next to the truffles was a duck, made outta confect by this guy at the stand. He said he'd had some spare-time earlier today, which probably meant he was bored. I can totally understand him. I also got to look at some Leica-equipment again, and they made fun of my compact fujifilm-camera. Rude bastards, apparently not the best camera on the market, but thats how it goes for poor people. They also had chihuauas there ofcourse, a must for every exhibitionist, haha. One of them tried to bite some kid, think I missed that. I believe we at some point got mistaken for being a bunch of photographs by some ladies in the wedding-business. They were all dressed in white, but nice and talkative.

After the convention we went to get some food at Spesial. Been long since my last café-meal, so I allowed myself a veggie-burger. Yum.

Weather today was fucked up. Crazy clouds, varied between hail, snow and sun all day. On my way home I ventured up to Koengen, got some pretty good pictures, aswell as a health-decrease. Fuck, I just cant seem to stop my coughing. Today I coughed so badly I got sick in the sink. Bwah, disturbing. I looked really confused when I looked in the mirror, haha.

Now Im just really tired, and kinda eager to sleep. Got a 9hours day of work tomorrow, and my head feels all heavy. Tried whisky, tried green tea. One for the throat and one for the head. Didnt work, so Im probably just tired :o

Here are some of todays photos.


4 kommentarer:

  1. Kattebilete er best :)
    fine pusi pusi =)

  2. Hahah, han var pen. Skjønne pus, jeg savner katt >.<

  3. Eg og vil ha pus XD

  4. jeg også >.< du har hvertfall din kjære! haha.
