søndag 29. april 2012

Stone- & bronze-age day!

Today was the last day with Rein here. I've been sick all week; throat, sinuses, eyes you name it. Felt abit better today though, so we figured we'd go to Hordamuseet and check out the stone- & bronze-age day! Interesting seeing something else than viking/medieval ;) This is also the place where they arrange Bjørgvinmarknad every year, so it brought back memories from last year's market-season ^^ Looking forward to summer! 

Melting ore

 Telling the ancient art of pitch-extraction to a very young knight from medieval times ;)


Showing how to make weapons out of flint

We then went home and made hot chocolate, and then he left <3 Will see him soon; he'll be joining us at our training-weekend at Hordamuseet 11th-13th of may ;) 


onsdag 25. april 2012


My friend's dog just past away; a tragedy. Beautiful, young, kind and gentle Idun. Thought I'd honor her by putting some photos here. 

Hvil i fred <3

tirsdag 17. april 2012

Walks, mountains & forests

Rein's coming home! :D Hooray! He's on his way, and I'm making taco. Feeling abit sick, but it'll hopefully pass. Been well for a pretty long time now, probably means my immune-system's getting stronger. So working in a kindergarten is both bad and good ;) 

Here are some photos from my easter-holidays at Karmøy and Ålgård:

 We went to Sålefjell, Karmøy:

And to Månafossen/Månaseter, Gjesdal: