lørdag 31. mars 2012

Spider Monkey

Good evening! Adding some photos from Kanadaskogen, near our house. Taken last sunday.


I'm alone in Bergen now, and have been so for almost a week. Been seeing friends, and been working everyday except monday. I'll probably be working the first two days this coming week, and then I'll be going to see mum and Rein <3 

The Spider Poem

Spiders are not insects

Spiders have eight legs.

Spiders have four pairs of eyes

Spiders hatch from eggs!

Spider webs are stick

Spiders weave them tight

Spiders spin that silky string

Spiders weave webs right!

Spider, Spider

Spider hurrying,

Spider scurrying,

See her silken thread.

Spider hurrying,

Spider scurrying,

See her little web.

Spider Webs

The spider weaves a sticky web

To capture bugs to eat.

What keeps the spider's sticky web

From sticking to her feet?

Spider webs are very tricky

Because not all the strands are sticky.

Unlike the passing hapless fly,

The spider knows which strands are dry.

But if she accidentally stands

Upon one of the sticky strands,

She still would not get stuck, you see--

Her oily body slides off free.

By : Amy Goldman Koss

So beautiful, with raindrops on it's legs.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.

So the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.

Spider Monkey by Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man

søndag 25. mars 2012

A Taste of Summer


Finally! Sunshine! Out on the balcony atm, had some leftover pizza (homemade ofcourse) for lunch. Will be going to Andunge for waffles later on, and bring Rein. He's going back to Ålgård tomorrow to work, won't see him until easter. And then we'll see what happens. :) Times are changing, and anything might happen. Maybe we'll be moving, maybe we won't. Depends on what the spring brings us, and it depends on which studies I choose. Been thinking about continueing my library-studies. My heart and soul will stay in Bergen. My body might go somewhere else for a while. I'll probably change my mind and re-collect my spiritual self when/if I've been living there for a while. We'll manage. <3

Things to do while by myself:

  • Make collages of old horror-magazines and old analog photographs.
  • Sew new clothes for markets.
  • Draw.
  • Plan new fighting-gear (gloves, arm bracers, helmet, new sword & one-handed spear).
  • Try to get my photos sent over to this calendar-bureau. 
  • Have friends over for crafts, food and wine.
  • Meet people I haven't seen in a while.
  • Try to fix cheap equipment for finishing my old linoleum-project.

lørdag 3. mars 2012

A glimpse of the sun.

Spring is finally here! And I should be glad! But, I'll be going back to Bergen to work tomorrow or on Monday (haven't made up my mind yet). At mum's atm, trying to get well. I've been sick for a week and a half, and I started a new antibiotics-cure on Thursday. Can't really feel any progress yet, starting to worry. Got work on Tuesday (I've gotten a new job-assignment every Tuesday & Thursday in March), and I really need to be there! Not looking forward to it, but I can't call in sick anymore. Hopefully the medicine will start working soon. I don't really feel sick though, just my sinuses and my throat.

The horrible (yet somewhat cozy) fact is that I've gotten too attached to Rein! I'll be going back alone (he's at his parents place, working), and I have to go to sleep alone, and somehow get up in the morning aswell. Not used to it, considering that he's always the first one to get up and put on coffee. My motivator won't be there to help. I guess I should've gotten used to this (I did actually live by myself before we met), but na-ah. Arg, too easy to feel sorry for oneself, really need to stop doing this ;)

I finally dyed my hair today, just in time for not turning blond again :) And it's been nice and sunny, so we've gotten to enjoy the sun quite a bit. Went for a nice walk yesterday aswell. Today we went to Haugesund, where I finally bought some of the dietary supplements needed to cover my need for omega 3. Being a vegetarian means I sometime get urges for new supplements, especially when feeling sick. I bought flaxseed-oil and Floradix.

We'll be going to Landa (near Stavanger) for a training-weekend this coming Friday! So I won't have to stay in Bergen for very long ;) Will be nice, looking forward to it. Haven't been training since Vinter, since I've been sick all the time. Hoping for nice weather ^^

Sleep now. And spring is here! I'll to try to update more often.