Second time in just a couple of weeks, bwah.
Got work on saturday, which isnt much fun. Collegue needs day off, cuz of exams, so atleast Ill be doing a good favour to someone. Bloodline at Inside tomorrow [http://bloodline-industries.blogspot.com/], but work starts at 10am on saturday, so I should be fine ;p Just a tiny bit worried about my illness, since I dont have the brains to stay home sometimes. Not even shure stayin' in would help me, since I usually dont get cold when Im out, and reaally cant stay in for an equal amount of time it takes to get rid of an pneumonia. [sun is here!]
Found this tiny tiny black spider [right] while on my knees looking at moss. Happy I managed to focus on him, he was extremely small. I was sick here aswell btw, mom dragged me along with her to this beach during easter. She'd wanted to go there for many years actually [small beach quite a long drive from where she lives], so finally made it happen. Didnt do much good to my throat though, couldnt breath in the car afterwards, and she felt really guilty xD Think it passed though.
Oh, I made some new discoveries in the world of music tonight. I believe it started with Andrew Thomas Huang [http://www.andrewthomashuang.com/index.html], while looking at his videos on this site I just linked.
I started thinking electronics,
which reminded me of sites like this
[http://www.hellwire.com/]. Some of my new discoveries are:
- http://www.myspace.com/diverje
- http://www.myspace.com/firstaid4souls
- http://www.myspace.com/ldumusic [http://www.ldu-music.com/ldu.html]
- http://www.myspace.com/adinferna
The Gloaming [Andrew Thomas Huang]
Time to sleep and dream, somewhere not of this world.
Good night.
naw, doctor allowed me to drink beer XD <3